# Below you can include specific configuration files depending on what you want KAMP to do: [include ./KAMP/Adaptive_Meshing.cfg] # Include to enable adaptive meshing configuration. #[include ./KAMP/Line_Purge.cfg] # Include to enable adaptive line purging configuration. [include ./KAMP/Voron_Purge.cfg] # Include to enable adaptive Voron logo purging configuration. [include ./KAMP/Smart_Park.cfg] # Include to enable the Smart Park function, which parks the printhead near the print area for final heating. [gcode_macro _KAMP_Settings] description: This macro contains all adjustable settings for KAMP # The following variables are settings for KAMP as a whole. variable_verbose_enable: True # Set to True to enable KAMP information output when running. This is useful for debugging. # The following variables are for adjusting adaptive mesh settings for KAMP. variable_mesh_margin: 0 # Expands the mesh size in millimeters if desired. Leave at 0 to disable. variable_fuzz_amount: 0 # Slightly randomizes mesh points to spread out wear from nozzle-based probes. Leave at 0 to disable. # The following variables are for those with a dockable probe like Klicky, Euclid, etc. # ---------------- Attach Macro | Detach Macro variable_probe_dock_enable: False # Set to True to enable the usage of a dockable probe. # --------------------------------------------- variable_attach_macro: 'Attach_Probe' # The macro that is used to attach the probe. # Klicky Probe: 'Attach_Probe' | 'Dock_Probe' variable_detach_macro: 'Dock_Probe' # The macro that is used to store the probe. # Euclid Probe: 'Deploy_Probe' | 'Stow_Probe' # Legacy Gcode: 'M401' | 'M402' # The following variables are for adjusting adaptive purge settings for KAMP. variable_purge_height: 0.8 # Z position of nozzle during purge, default is 0.8. variable_tip_distance: 0 # Distance between tip of filament and nozzle before purge. Should be similar to PRINT_END final retract amount. variable_purge_margin: 10 # Distance the purge will be in front of the print area, default is 10. variable_purge_amount: 30 # Amount of filament to be purged prior to printing. variable_flow_rate: 12 # Flow rate of purge in mm3/s. Default is 12. # The following variables are for adjusting the Smart Park feature for KAMP, which will park the printhead near the print area at a specified height. variable_smart_park_height: 10 # Z position for Smart Park, default is 10. gcode: # Gcode section left intentionally blank. Do not disturb. {action_respond_info(" Running the KAMP_Settings macro does nothing, it is only used for storing KAMP settings. ")}