# McMojave-hyprcursor The [McMojave cursor theme](https://github.com/vinceliuice/McMojave-cursors), created by [vinceliuice](https://github.com/vinceliuice) and ported to `hyprcursor`. ## Preview ![McMojave](preview.png) ## Installation #### General Downlaod the latest [release](ttps://github.com/Libadoxon/mcmojave-hyprcursor/releases) and the place the files into `~/.local/share/icons` or `~/.icons`. After that set the `HYPRCURSOR_THEME` variable to `McMojave` or `McMojave` in your `hyprland` config ```hyprlang env = HYPRCURSOR_THEME,McMojave ``` #### NixOs Add `mcmojave-hyprcursor` to your flake inputs. A basic flake would look like this ```nix { description = "Basic System Flake"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; hyprland = { type = "git"; url = "https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland"; submodules = true; }; # Add this line # vvvvvvv mcmojave-hyprcursor.url = "github:libadoxon/mcmojave-hyprcursor"; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ... } @inputs: { nixosConfigurations = { exampleSystem = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { specialArgs = { inherit inputs; }; modules = [ ./configuration.nix ]; }; }; } ``` After that install the wanted theme in your `configuration.nix` or `home.nix` ```nix # configuration.nix { pkgs, inputs, ... }: { ... environment.systemPackages = [ inputs.mcmojave-hyprcursor.packages.${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}.default ]; ... } ``` ```nix # home.nix { pkgs, inputs, ... }: { ... home.packages = [ inputs.mcmojave-hyprcursor.packages.${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}.default ]; ... } ``` Set the environment variable so `hyprcursor` knows to use the the newly added theme. You can do this in your `NixOs` configuration ```nix # configuration.nix { ... }: { ... environment.variables.HYPRCURSOR_THEME = "McMojave"; ... } ``` ```nix # home.nix { ... }: { ... home.sessionVariables.HYPRCURSOR_THEME = "McMojave"; ... } ``` or by appending `env = HYPRCURSOR_THEME,McMojave` to your `hyprland` config