mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 14:52:15 -08:00
updated keymaps to new nixvim format
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 114 additions and 35 deletions
@ -29,43 +29,122 @@ in
tabstop = 4;
# https://github.com/pupbrained/nix-config/blob/29af4835f21940af51b86313c451fb572a29874a/pkgs/nixvim.nix#L8
maps.normal = {
"<leader>ot" = "<cmd>vs | te<cr>";
"<leader>op" = "<cmd>NvimTreeToggle<cr>";
"<leader>o." = "<cmd>Telescope file_browser<cr>";
"<leader>." = "<cmd>Telescope find_files<cr>"; # cwd full sub-dir fuzzy find
"<leader>of" = "<cmd>Telescope live_grep<cr>"; # cwd search file
keymaps = [
# Modes: https://superuser.com/questions/1702308/how-can-i-configure-shortcut-keys-in-all-modes-of-vim
# n - normal
# i - insert
# c - cmd
# v - visual select
# x - visual only
# s - selection
# o - oper
# t - terminal
# l - lang
# Open new vertical split and starts a new terminal window
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>ot";
action = "<cmd>vs | te<cr>";
# toggle the left tree panel
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>op";
action = "<cmd>NvimTreeToggle<cr>";
# Open cwd filename fuzzy search
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>o.";
action = "<cmd>Telescope file_browser<cr>";
# Open fuzzy filename recursive search
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>.";
action = "<cmd>Telescope find_files<cr>";
# Search file contents of cwd
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>of";
action = "<cmd>Telescope live_grep<cr>";
# Keep cursor centered while navigating
mode = "n";
key = "<C-d>";
action = "<C-d>zz";
# Keep cursor centered while navigating
mode = "n";
key = "<C-u>";
action = "<C-u>zz";
# Keep cursor centered while skipping to search results
mode = "n";
key = "n";
action = "nzzzv";
# Keep cursor centered while skipping to search results
mode = "n";
key = "N";
action = "Nzzzv";
# Yank to system clipboard
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>y";
action = "\"+y";
# Yank to system clipboard
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>Y";
action = "\"+Y";
# Delete into the void
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>d";
action = "\"_d";
# keep cursor centered while navigating
"<C-d>" = "<C-d>zz";
"<C-u>" = "<C-u>zz";
"n" = "nzzzv";
"N" = "Nzzzv";
# Move visual selection up one row
mode = "v";
key = "J";
action = ":m '>+1<CR>gv=gv";
# Move visual selection down one row
mode = "v";
key = "K";
action = ":m '<-2<CR>gv=gv";
# Yank selection to system clipboard
mode = "v";
key = "<leader>y";
action = "\"+y";
# Delete selection into void
mode = "v";
key = "<leader>d";
action = "\"_d";
# yank to system clipboard
"<leader>y" = "\"+y";
"<leader>Y" = "\"+Y";
# perma-delete without putting on any clipboard
"<leader>d" = "\"_d";
maps.visual = {
# moves visual selection up and down lines
"J" = ":m '>+1<CR>gv=gv";
"K" = ":m '<-2<CR>gv=gv";
# copy to system clipboard
"<leader>y" = "\"+y";
# perma-delete without putting on any clipboard
"<leader>d" = "\"_d";
maps.visualOnly = {
"<leader>p" = "\"_dP"; # leader+p deletes the selection to null, then pastes
# leader+p delete the selection to the void, then paste
mode = "x";
key = "<leader>p";
action = "\"_dP";
plugins = {
Add table
Reference in a new issue