INSERT INTO rcnt.accounts (acnt_dsply_name, acnt_description) VALUES('BECU Checking', 'BECU Checking Account'); INSERT INTO rcnt.buckets (bkt_dsply_code, bkt_dsply_name, bkt_description) values ('SVNGS', 'Savings', 'Long term savings'), ('SPEND', 'Spending', 'General Spening Category'), ('TITHE', 'Tight', ''); INSERT INTO rcnt.transaction_categories (trns_ctgry_dsply_code, trns_ctgry_dsply_name, trns_ctgry_description) values ('TAX', 'Taxes', 'One of the only constants'), ('GAS', 'Gas', 'Buying gas'); INSERT INTO rcnt.transactions (trns_amount, trns_description, trns_account, trns_bucket, trns_date) VALUES(10.00, 'Optional Text', 1, 1, '8-7-2023'); INSERT INTO rcnt.transaction_breakdown (trns_brkdwn_amount, trns_brkdwn_parent_transaction, trns_brkdwn_catagory, trns_brkdwn_bucket) values (8.00, 1, 1, 1), (2.00, 1, 1, 2);