working gstreamer build

This commit is contained in:
Nickiel 2024-11-01 16:23:55 -07:00
parent d64095dd7f
commit e814cb4929

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@ -22,30 +22,52 @@ const max_edge_layers = 32;
pub fn main() !void {
std.debug.print("Program started\n", .{});
// This allows me to utilize the same command line args and gstreamer
gst.init(@ptrCast(&std.os.argv.len), @ptrCast(&std.os.argv.ptr));
std.debug.print("Gstreamer Initialized\n", .{});
const source: *gst.Element = gst.ElementFactory.make("videotestsrc", "source") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("test source created\n", .{});
const scale: *gst.Element = gst.ElementFactory.make("videoscale", "scale") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("video scale created\n", .{});
const format: *gst.Element = gst.ElementFactory.make("videoconvert", "format") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("video convert created\n", .{});
const sink_el: *gst.Element = gst.ElementFactory.make("appsink", "sink") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("appsink created\n", .{});
const sink: *gstapp.AppSink = gobject.ext.cast(gstapp.AppSink, sink_el) orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("appsink cast to an AppSink\n", .{});
const sink_caps = gst.Caps.fromString("video/x-raw,format=RGB,width=640,height=640") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("sink caps created\n", .{});
std.debug.print("sink caps applied\n", .{});
const pipeline: *gst.Pipeline ="test-pipeline");
std.debug.print("pipeline created\n", .{});
const bin: *gst.Bin = &pipeline.f_bin;
std.debug.print("Bin retrieved from Pipeline\n", .{});
_ = gst.Bin.addMany(bin, source, scale, format, sink_el);
_ = bin.add(source);
std.debug.print("source added to bin\n", .{});
_ = bin.add(scale);
std.debug.print("scale added to bin\n", .{});
_ = bin.add(format);
std.debug.print("format added to bin\n", .{});
_ = bin.add(sink_el);
// _ = bin.addMany(source, scale, format, sink_el);
std.debug.print("Elements added to bin\n", .{});
// the failure return code is -1 I believe
if (gst.Element.linkMany(source, scale, format, sink_el) < 0) {
std.debug.panic("Elements could not be linked\n", .{});
std.debug.print("Elements linked", .{});
// g_int is just i32. You can
// source.set("pattern", @as(i16, 0));