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2 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
ceb28187ca removed some debug statements 2024-11-12 19:14:59 -08:00
ea58055ab1 added cli-args; added better panic exiting 2024-11-12 19:13:21 -08:00

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@ -22,9 +22,15 @@ const max_edge_layers = 32;
var exit_loop: bool = false;
const CliArgs = struct {
hef_file_path: []const u8,
gst_source_path: []const u8,
pub fn main() !void {
var args: CliArgs = .{ .hef_file_path = undefined, .gst_source_path = undefined };
std.posix.sigaction(std.posix.SIG.INT, &std.posix.Sigaction {
.handler = .{
.handler = struct {
@ -45,13 +51,50 @@ pub fn main() !void {
// This allows me to utilize the same command line args and gstreamer
gst.init(@ptrCast(&std.os.argv.len), @ptrCast(&std.os.argv.ptr));
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const alloc = arena.allocator();
var arg_source = try std.process.argsWithAllocator(alloc);
_ = arg_source.skip();
var hef_set = false;
var gst_set = false;
while ( |cur_arg| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, cur_arg, "--hef")) {
if ( |x| {
args.hef_file_path = x;
hef_set = true;
} else {
std.process.fatal("--hef flag specified, but no value provided!\n", .{});
if (std.mem.eql(u8, cur_arg, "--gst-source")) {
if ( |x| {
args.gst_source_path = x;
gst_set = true;
} else {
std.process.fatal("--gst-source flag specified, but no value provided!\n", .{});
if (!gst_set) {
std.process.fatal("Invalid usage. --gst-source value is required\n", .{});
if (!hef_set) {
std.process.fatal("Invalid usage. --hef value is required\n", .{});
std.debug.print("Using hardcoded hef file path :P\n", .{});
std.fs.cwd().access(hef_file, .{ }) catch |e| {
std.debug.panic("Could not open hef file! '{any}'", .{ e });
std.process.fatal("Could not open hef file! '{any}'", .{ e });
var status: hlo.hailo_status = undefined;
@ -119,129 +162,130 @@ pub fn main() !void {
std.debug.print("HailoRT init completed\nGstreamer Init starting", .{});
std.debug.print("Gstreamer Initialized\n", .{});
_ = gst_block: {
std.debug.print("Gstreamer Initialized\n", .{});
const source: *gst.Element = gst.ElementFactory.make("v4l2src", "source") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("test source created\n", .{});
const scale: *gst.Element = gst.ElementFactory.make("videoscale", "scale") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("video scale created\n", .{});
const format: *gst.Element = gst.ElementFactory.make("videoconvert", "format") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("video convert created\n", .{});
const sink_el: *gst.Element = gst.ElementFactory.make("appsink", "sink") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("appsink created\n", .{});
const sink: *gstapp.AppSink = gobject.ext.cast(gstapp.AppSink, sink_el) orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("appsink cast to an AppSink\n", .{});
const source: *gst.Element = gst.ElementFactory.make("v4l2src", "source") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("test source created\n", .{});
const scale: *gst.Element = gst.ElementFactory.make("videoscale", "scale") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("video scale created\n", .{});
const format: *gst.Element = gst.ElementFactory.make("videoconvert", "format") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("video convert created\n", .{});
const sink_el: *gst.Element = gst.ElementFactory.make("appsink", "sink") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("appsink created\n", .{});
const sink: *gstapp.AppSink = gobject.ext.cast(gstapp.AppSink, sink_el) orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("appsink cast to an AppSink\n", .{});
const sink_caps = gst.Caps.fromString("video/x-raw,format=RGB,width=640,height=640") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("sink caps created\n", .{});
std.debug.print("sink caps applied\n", .{});
const sink_caps = gst.Caps.fromString("video/x-raw,format=RGB,width=640,height=640") orelse unreachable;
std.debug.print("sink caps created\n", .{});
std.debug.print("sink caps applied\n", .{});
const pipeline: *gst.Pipeline ="test-pipeline");
std.debug.print("pipeline created\n", .{});
const pipeline: *gst.Pipeline ="test-pipeline");
std.debug.print("pipeline created\n", .{});
const bin: *gst.Bin = &pipeline.f_bin;
std.debug.print("Bin retrieved from Pipeline\n", .{});
const bin: *gst.Bin = &pipeline.f_bin;
std.debug.print("Bin retrieved from Pipeline\n", .{});
_ = bin.add(source);
std.debug.print("source added to bin\n", .{});
_ = bin.add(scale);
std.debug.print("scale added to bin\n", .{});
_ = bin.add(format);
std.debug.print("format added to bin\n", .{});
_ = bin.add(sink_el);
// _ = bin.addMany(source, scale, format, sink_el);
std.debug.print("Elements added to bin\n", .{});
_ = bin.add(source);
std.debug.print("source added to bin\n", .{});
_ = bin.add(scale);
std.debug.print("scale added to bin\n", .{});
_ = bin.add(format);
std.debug.print("format added to bin\n", .{});
_ = bin.add(sink_el);
// _ = bin.addMany(source, scale, format, sink_el);
std.debug.print("Elements added to bin\n", .{});
// the failure return code is -1 I believe
if (gst.Element.linkMany(source, scale, format, sink_el) < 0) {
std.debug.panic("Elements could not be linked\n", .{});
std.debug.print("Elements linked\n", .{});
// g_int is just i32. You can
// source.set("pattern", @as(i16, 0));
// gobject.Object.set(, "pattern", @as(i16, 0));
const ret =;
if (ret == gst.StateChangeReturn.failure) {
std.debug.panic("Could not start pipeline", .{});
const bus: *gst.Bus = pipeline.getBus();
std.debug.print("Getting vstream info\n", .{});
var stream_info: hlo.hailo_vstream_info_t = undefined;
status = hlo.hailo_get_input_vstream_info(input_vstreams[0], &stream_info);
assert(status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS);
var output_info: hlo.hailo_vstream_info_t = undefined;
status = hlo.hailo_get_output_vstream_info(output_vstreams[0], &output_info);
assert(status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS);
std.debug.print("\nOutput info: {any}\n\n", .{ output_info });
var input_frame_size: usize = 0;
status = hlo.hailo_get_input_vstream_frame_size(input_vstreams[0], &input_frame_size);
assert(status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS);
const frame_count = input_frame_size / @sizeOf(u8);
const input_data: [:0]u8 = try alloc.allocSentinel(u8, frame_count, 0);
var output_frame_size: usize = 0;
status = hlo.hailo_get_output_vstream_frame_size(output_vstreams[0], &output_frame_size);
assert(status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS);
std.debug.print("output frame size is: {d}\n", .{ output_frame_size });
const output_frame_count = output_frame_size / @sizeOf(f32);
const output_data: [:0]f32 = try alloc.allocSentinel(f32, output_frame_count, 0);
var run_count: u8 = 0;
while (!exit_loop) {
const sample = sink.pullSample() orelse unreachable;
const buffer: *gst.Buffer = sample.getBuffer() orelse unreachable;
_ = buffer.extract(0, @ptrCast(input_data), input_frame_size);
status = hlo.hailo_vstream_write_raw_buffer(input_vstreams[0], input_data.ptr, input_frame_size);
assert(status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS);
status = hlo.hailo_flush_input_vstream(input_vstreams[0]);
assert(status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS);
status = hlo.hailo_vstream_read_raw_buffer(output_vstreams[0], output_data.ptr, output_frame_size);
if (status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS) {
for (0..50) |x| {
std.debug.print(" {d} ", .{output_data[x]});
std.debug.print("\n", .{});
run_count += 1;
if (run_count > 20) {
} else {
std.debug.print("Read failed!\n", .{});
// the failure return code is -1 I believe
if (gst.Element.linkMany(source, scale, format, sink_el) < 0) {
std.debug.print("Elements could not be linked! Aborting!\n", .{});
break :gst_block;
std.debug.print("Elements linked\n", .{});
std.debug.print("Staring shutdown\n", .{ });
// g_int is just i32. You can
// source.set("pattern", @as(i16, 0));
// gobject.Object.set(, "pattern", @as(i16, 0));
const ret =;
if (ret == gst.StateChangeReturn.failure) {
std.debug.print("Could not start pipeline! Aborting\n", .{});
break :gst_block;
const bus: *gst.Bus = pipeline.getBus();
_ =;
// const bus: *gst.Bus = pipeline.getBus();
var stream_info: hlo.hailo_vstream_info_t = undefined;
status = hlo.hailo_get_input_vstream_info(input_vstreams[0], &stream_info);
assert(status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS);
var output_info: hlo.hailo_vstream_info_t = undefined;
status = hlo.hailo_get_output_vstream_info(output_vstreams[0], &output_info);
assert(status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS);
var input_frame_size: usize = 0;
status = hlo.hailo_get_input_vstream_frame_size(input_vstreams[0], &input_frame_size);
assert(status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS);
const frame_count = input_frame_size / @sizeOf(u8);
const input_data: [:0]u8 = try alloc.allocSentinel(u8, frame_count, 0);
var output_frame_size: usize = 0;
status = hlo.hailo_get_output_vstream_frame_size(output_vstreams[0], &output_frame_size);
assert(status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS);
const output_frame_count = output_frame_size / @sizeOf(f32);
const output_data: [:0]f32 = try alloc.allocSentinel(f32, output_frame_count, 0);
defer pipeline.unref();
defer _ =;
defer bus.unref();
var run_count: u8 = 0;
while (!exit_loop) {
const sample = sink.pullSample() orelse unreachable;
const buffer: *gst.Buffer = sample.getBuffer() orelse unreachable;
_ = buffer.extract(0, @ptrCast(input_data), input_frame_size);
status = hlo.hailo_vstream_write_raw_buffer(input_vstreams[0], input_data.ptr, input_frame_size);
assert(status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS);
status = hlo.hailo_flush_input_vstream(input_vstreams[0]);
assert(status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS);
status = hlo.hailo_vstream_read_raw_buffer(output_vstreams[0], output_data.ptr, output_frame_size);
if (status == hlo.HAILO_SUCCESS) {
for (0..(output_data.len / 5)) |x| {
if (output_data[x] == 1.0) {
std.debug.print("Person found! Confidence: {d}, {d}:{d}, {d}, {d}\n", .{ output_data[x + 1], output_data[x + 2], output_data[x + 3], output_data[x + 4], output_data[x + 5] });
run_count += 1;
if (run_count > 20) {
} else {
std.debug.print("Read failed!\n", .{});
std.debug.print("Staring shutdown\n", .{ });
_ = hlo.hailo_release_output_vstreams(&output_vstreams, output_vstream_size);